"This year's theme is the environment."
"On October 15th, bloggers around the web will unite to put a single important issue on everyone’s mind - the environment. Every blogger will post about the environment in their own way and relating to their own topic. Our aim is to get everyone talking towards a better future."
Yeah right, says my cynic voice. The environment is not just a day's theme, or a month's theme, or a year's theme, or a decade's theme, or a theme park we know as "Nature". It's the atis I had for breakfast. It's the stench of the neighbor's burning garbage every evening. It's the sound of rivers rushing and cars roaring. It's the triumph of getting what we want, and the anguish of losing what we love. Ashes to ashes. It's you. It's me. It's all of us and we're all of it and we're full of shit.