I have a five-step plan for beating the blues out of this drab Monday that is stretched out before me like an old, dusty, stinky, worn-out carpet.
Step 1. Coffee
Step 2. Writing.
Step 3. Hot shower.
Step 4. Get the errands out of the way. (Sigh. I hate this part, but I must.)
Step 5. Go and be alone with a book somewhere I won't have to talk to anybody. Today's pick is Nomad's Hotel by Cees Nooteboom, who writes: "A way is away." Indeed.
Now I shall get on with Step 3 and warily watch life get in the way of my plans.
Step 1. Coffee
Step 2. Writing.
Step 3. Hot shower.
Step 4. Get the errands out of the way. (Sigh. I hate this part, but I must.)
Step 5. Go and be alone with a book somewhere I won't have to talk to anybody. Today's pick is Nomad's Hotel by Cees Nooteboom, who writes: "A way is away." Indeed.
Now I shall get on with Step 3 and warily watch life get in the way of my plans.