My mind's green enough as it is, thank you. What these are, are small attempts to make my presence on this earth less toxic than it already is (and maybe to bring a few souls around to green living too).
1. As much as possible, I will refuse plastic bags when I am shopping in the market, the groceries, or any and every chichi shop with froufrou plastic bags. (Yes, dear Nash, even Harrods.) If and when I have no choice but to accept a plastic bag, I will reuse it until it falls to pieces.
2. In relation to number 1, I will always carry an extra cloth bag with me, just in case I am seized by the impulse of the century: to buy something! Anything!
3. When wrapping gifts I will use furoshiki.
4. When my destination is within walking distance, I will walk.
5. As much as possible, I will refrain from buying food with high mileage. (Gulp. Except maybe goat's cheese from Davao and, from farther afield, lamb chops, wheat germ, stinky cheese, and 72% cacao dark chocolate!).
6. When I'm out and about I will refrain from buying drinking water in plastic bottles. Instead I will carry my own water bottle around and refill it from a clean source whenever and wherever possible.
7. I will continue to make casual remarks to random people about how unhealthy Baguio air is, until we reach tipping point and something is done about it!
8. I will write more diatribes against environmental ignorance. *laughs diabolically while rubbing hands together with glee*