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Showing posts from 2018

Indigenous Critique

As Indigenous Peoples' Month draws to a close, I want to put this out there, because the struggle for indigenous peoples' rights will continue long after October: Indigenous Critique. The seed of indigenous critique or kritikang katutubo was planted in my head by  J. Neil , in a conversation we had some years ago. We were talking about epics! Since then I've been on the look out for it, and I'm still learning to attend to it. Luckily, I have great traveling companions on the learning curve of anthropology and policy, like  Eizel . Hopefully friends and colleagues will embrace this, take it with them on their missions, and make it their own. And if the way I've written it is flawed (surely the work has its flaws), then I hope friends will be friends and share their thoughts on how this work could be made better -- more importantly, how this could be made to serve indigenous purposes better. So what is Indigenous Critique? "Indigenous critique... is con...